Economic Effects to Rebellion

The economic effects in America after the Treaty of Paris were rather impactful on how life continued in the independent colonies. After the war finally came to an end, America was having troubles paying off the debt of war, and paying the soliders for their service. Of course, America can't just go and ask Great Britain for help, because the whole point of the Revolutionary War was to sever ties with the mother country. As a result, America started selling bonds to France, among other countries. They also started printing off paper money (called continentals) to the people to buy goods or to pay off goods, but the issue was that is wasn't backed up by actual gold, and therefore worthless. Huge amounts to inflation ensued, and the money became worthless. Businesses used different types of coins from different nations in order to pay for goods and transations, and trading came to a virtual standstill. Overall, the Revolution benifited to the other two areas of effects in the Revoltion, but economica lly it was the start of a long tradition of debt in the United States.